A fascinating fossil deposit of petrified wood located in the middle basin of the Puyango River, South Ecuador.
Walking in this landscape is like traveling back in time. After some minutes of walk I found a well preserved petrified Araucarioxylon whose age is estimated at 100 million years. This kind of trees were the typical of the Mesozoic flora.
At the time of my visit, it was no raining season time. The vegetation has dried up. The water levels at the small creek were at its minimum.
There are however plans that are well adapted to this hard conditions. Some of them become colossal trees that master the existing conditions of the dry forest. The huge petrino tree (Cavanillesia Platanifolia) is likely 300 years and over 35 m tall. Every ring of its trunk takes about 10 years to develop. It is a marvel of the evolution.
Photo Technical Details
- Camara Bronica SQ-B
- Lens Zenzanon PS 50 mm
- Film: Ilford HP5plus
- Lightmeter Pentax digital spotmeter
- Filter: red
- Developed in a Jobo tank 2520
- Development with ilfordddx
- Scanned with Epson v850 pro
- Processed with negative lab pro
Ecuador es hermoso, tu trabajo hace que lo apreciemos aún más. Hermosas fotos Luis.
Nuestro planeta es único y hermoso, solo tenemos que fijarnos un poco para apreciar en su plenitud su majestuosidad. Tus fotos captan esos lugares y nos muestran esa belleza que a veces se escapa de nuestra mirada. ¡Bellas fotos Luis!