Recent Adventures

The Alps

Europe's highest and most extensive mountain range, with majestic peaks, winding trails, and panoramic vistas, forms an unparalleled natural wonder that captivates my imagination.

The Dolomites

A mountain range in northeastern Italy, part of the Southern Limestone Alps, was designated a UNESCO World Heritage Site in 2009. The unique color of the limestone at dawn and sunset, the distinctive shapes of the peaks, and the tranquil valleys and lakes provide an endless source of inspiration.

Shorelines of Galicia and Asturias

Coastlines shaped by the relentless forces of nature — places once believed to be the ends of the Earth such as Finisterrae. These are the regions where even the most seasoned sailors faced great challenges. Shorelines adorned with beautiful lighthouses, standing as the final beacon to guide lonely sailors through the darkness.

Thematic Collections


Geometry fascinates me. I seek compositions that highlight the intriguing interplay of lines, curves, surfaces, and contrasts of light and color. This collection features architectural buildings and structures that embody these geometric arrangements, as well as monuments with historical significance.

Still Life

A collection of photographs capturing objects that have piqued my interest, including macro photography that reveals intricate details often unnoticed by the naked eye.
As Susan Sontag rightly stated in On Photography (p. 15):

"Photography is an elegiac art, a twilight art. Most subjects photographed are, just by virtue of being photographed, touched with pathos"


A collection of photographs capturing landforms, valleys, cliffs, lakes, and rivers that highlight the breathtaking beauty of our planet. These images showcase the result of millions of years of geological evolution and the interplay of natural forces. In essence, they reveal the pure essence of Nature.

Elements of the Water Cycle

Panta Rhei.
A collection of photographs showcasing physiographic features integral to Earth's water cycle. These images include not only water bodies such as rivers, lakes, glaciers, wetlands, and seas, but also dynamic hydrological processes, like thunderstorms, that shape our planet's water system.

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